Valentine Day 2018: These easy 8 beauty tips will get a breathtaking face every day

Shahnaz Hussein Beauty Tips

Valentine Day 2018: 8 beauty tips will get a breathtaking face every day

On this valentine day, look for the most beautiful in front of your partner. These easy beauty tips from Beauty Expert Shahnaz Hussein.

Valentine Day is about to come. On this day, girls are now ready for preparations to look beautiful. You will be thinking about all the beauty tips and tricks for Valentine Day to be the most beautiful in front of your partner. You can also add these tips from Beauty Expert Shahnaz Hussein to this list.

Shahnaz Hussein Beauty Tips:

Shahnaz Hussein Beauty Tips

1. Make a mixture of cream and turmeric on this day and place it on the face. Wash the face with fresh water after 10 minutes. This will clear your skin and return to your face.

2. To make the face shades, make a face pack of gram flour, gram flour and turmeric and apply it daily. This will clear the skin and the face will bloom.

3. Immerse the cotton pad in rose water and keep it free. First wash the face and then massage the face with this same cotton. This ‘pick me up’ face mask will make your skin clean and bright.

4. Mix white eggs in the honey and put it on the face. Wash with fresh clean water after 20 minutes. If your skin is too dry, then add the yellow egg yolk (egg) and a little milk to honey. After cleaning the face, press the skin with the help of the soaked Catten Wool in rose water.

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5. Use facial scrub. It removes dead cells from the skin, causing skin glow. Combine nut powder, one teaspoon honey, and one teaspoon curd to make the facial scrub. Let this paste stay on the face for some time, after which, massage with the face lightly. Wash with clean water afterward.

6. Add dried and grilled hard leaves to the face pack. This increases the brightness of the face. Make a paste by mixing two spoons of brinjal, two spoonfuls of rose water and one spoon of curd in hard leaves. Put it on the face except for the eyes and lips. Wash the face after half an hour.

7. Fruit pack is very helpful for increasing facial glow. Grind apples and mix them in the pulp and bananas of ripe papaya. It can also add curd or lemon juice. Keep this paste in the face for half an hour and wash it later with water.

8. Mix the Mulani clay for oily skin and mix it in rose water and put it on the face. Wash it half dry. From this paste, face accessory oil will be finished and glow.

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