The secret of contraceptive pills

The secret of contraceptive pills

The secret of contraceptive pills

The secret of contraceptive pills: – Foreign companies sell contraceptive remedies to our mothers and sisters of our country in our country. And these medicines sold as tablets in which some of the names are as follows. Like Norplant, Depo -Provera, I-pill is an E-pill. Some of which are very dangerous, so due to the use of these drugs many sari problems also happen. And you probably will not know that the women who use women in our country do not sell it all for the women of their country. It only sells it in our country. As it has developed the technique called Depo-Provera. A US company has developed the company’s name is Abjon. This company has closed by the US government. The secret of contraceptive pills is very deep.

These are sold as injections to the women of India. The cycle of Mahavira makes it completely spoiled. And their ending is cancer in their urusers. And also the death of the mother and sisters. this is spreading new diseases by selling various types of drugs and this has brought in technology for the prevention of Pregnancy called a NET-EN. In the form of steroids, these mothers has given to sisters or even in the form of injections. This causes them to have an abortion. And those who have hormones in the pituitary gland, there is an imbalance. And they  are very disturbed, who are given this NET EN. You will amazed to know the secret of birth control pills

The secret of contraceptive pills

The secret of contraceptive pills

In the same way, he has come up with a technique called RU-496 and then one of the names Rostal. Then one is name UKLF and then there is a Norplant. Then he has created a reproductive commentary that causes all the problems for our mothers and sisters, and then they come in a lot of trouble. These are the ways in which the contraceptive measures given to mothers sisters.From him, the muscle of the uterus falls loose. And often during the menstrual cycle many girls become unconscious by using them, but they do not know that they have given the poison of these Contraceptive Names. And thus, thousands of rupees looted every year by the foreign companies selling these contrabadive poisonous poisons.

Conducted condoms in its 3-4 years, foreign companies have become very popular and should promoted, AIDS is a pretext for it, with the excuse of AIDS, in the newspapers, there is only one thing in the magazine that you are doing anything Do use condoms Do not tell that you keep yourself strong. They do not tell that loyalty to your husband and wife. He tells you to do anything, that means anybody with mother, sister daughter, just use condoms. And the result of this is that in 15 years, 100 million condom are being sold in this country every year. Thousands of them were not even 15 years ago.

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