how to do makeup Tips for Perfect Look, Ready to be Interview

how to do makeup

how to do makeup Tips for Perfect Look, Ready to be Interview

how to do makeup Tips for Perfect Look Before going to the interview, you take care of many things like your documents, dresses, hairstyles etc. A lot of girls care about their makeup and they cannot decide how to make a make-up for the interview, which has the effect of good. Actually, our look tells a lot about our personality and how we think, so on the special occasions such as interviews, the importance of Lux increases. To make our looks good, we use make-up.

Skin Cleansing

It is not enough to just clean the skin makeup by taking bath for interviewing, due to daily dust, soil and pollution, mouth and hands are exposed to dead skin cells, which do not come from normal facewash or soap. For this, you should put a tomato juice on the skin one night before the interview and clean the skin cells from a good scrubber in the morning. Do not place the foundation in the face makeup before going to the interview, instead of using simple BB cream or moisturizer.

Beauty of Hair

During your interview, your hair also has a great effect as well as your face.  If your hair is long, then make the ponytail. Keep in mind that if you look beautiful on the face, but it is not good for a professional look, so keep the props tied to the hair.

how to do makeup

Eye Makeup

For this, put a light-colored color shed in the eyes. If the eyeliner is too thin or does not feel necessary, then do not mix and add a musk. Mascara will make your eyes look beautiful. If you want you can grapple your eyebrow with hairspray.

Makeup of Lips

Scroll lips on the morning of the interview or one day before the interview to make lips. For this mix the sugar and coconut oil and make a homemade scrub. Do not place dark or red lip color in the interview. This has an adverse impact on the interviewer. Also, do not use bright lip gloss

Other Things

Set eyebrows before going to the interview. If you have a gap in it, fill it with a brao pencil. Do not wear nail polish or light coat on the nails. And remember, the fragrance of perfume is mild, not too fast.

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